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Une rentrée plus sereine

A more peaceful return to school

After the mild summer weather, the start of the school year often means the return of a busy schedule and a hectic pace for many of us. 

It is therefore difficult to approach this very important period with serenity: we quickly feel overwhelmed, stress resurfaces with its share of fatigue and tension, both physical and mental. 

The benefits of summer are then distant memories... However, it is possible to put in place, or maintain certain practices to approach this time of year with a peaceful outlook!

1. Maintain habits acquired during the holidays 

It may seem simple and yet... Certain actions that we willingly indulge in during the holidays deserve to be part of our daily lives in order to prolong the beneficial effects of summer and to anchor practices that are beneficial for our overall health. 

Take some time for yourself, relax, massage yourself, read, or do nothing at all and switch to mode slow , may seem futile in the light of our society driven by profitability and efficiency. However, far from being vain, These moments are absolutely essential to maintain our body in a state of well-being in the long term. : these are essential little breaks to include in your schedule to preserve your vitality and boost your potential over time!

Also think, as you do so easily in the summer, about spending time outside to get some light: this allows you to oxygenate your body, get it moving, and synthesize this precious vitamin-hormone that is vitamin D, essential for our immunity and our general well-being: 20 minutes in natural light is enough!

2. Practice an activity relaxing

Meditation, sophrology, yoga, napping, self-massage of the face or even singing, drawing or dancing are all activities that can help you relax and that will give you a little break of tranquility in a sometimes stressful daily life. Just 10 minutes a day can change everything for your well-being inside & out! For example, try the guided meditations of “Serenity” kit , of different durations, you can easily integrate them into your schedule. 

3. Plan your meals ahead 

The quality of food is central to the management of emotional balance and as a source of psychological and physical energy. 

Planning your meals ahead means choosing the right fuel to nourish your body and optimize its overall functioning. 

Rather than giving in to the call of ready-made meals, of ordering in front of an empty fridge, or out of "laziness" to get into the kitchen after a long and intense day at work, why not get into the habit of preparing your meals in advance? 

There are several options available, it's up to you to find the one that suits you best! 

  • The first is to take advantage of the time behind your stove to prepare your dishes in larger quantities to freeze them and have good homemade meals in advance that are just waiting to be reheated! 
  • Another method is to cook the “basics” of your diet at a time of the week when you have time – the weekend for example – (starchy foods like quinoa, potatoes, sweet potatoes, rice, millet, etc.; legumes like chickpeas, red/white beans, etc., prepare your vegetables, sauces, wash your salad, etc.). This way, all you have to do is assemble these different elements when it’s time to sit down at the table! A considerable time saver, and a great moment of conviviality if you do it as a family – children love it. To go further The Nutri-Glow program will give you all the keys to organize yourself and eat healthily. 

– The last option is to have products at home that allow you to quickly compose a plate without too much cooking, but with the composition clean : a good hummus, cans of sardines or mackerel rich in omega-3, an essential micronutrient for our nervous balance and hormonal health, lactofermented vegetables, seaweed tartare, or even raw frozen vegetables that will cook in 5 minutes in a pan or steamed – I assure you that with these essentials, you will be able to compose your plate more quickly than find a dish to have delivered. 

4. Take the time to set your day/week aside writing to gain visibility and serenity 

We often let ourselves be overwhelmed by a to-do list long, some of which is scribbled on a post-it at the office, some in our notes on our phone, and finally some that wanders around in our head. If you are already in the habit of writing down your important appointments in your diary, why not also write down meetings with yourself? A moment for yourself here, lunch with a friend there, etc. The idea is to use a color code that you will vary according to the categories. Enough to have better visibility and unburden your mind! 

5. Stay moving 

You now know how essential movement is to our well-being and the proper functioning of our body on a daily basis. A fundamental pillar of our health, it often helps relieve stress and maintain our vitality. And all practices are welcome! The important thing is to enjoy doing it, and to feel good after the session. You can start with walking, which is so beneficial and easy to implement on a daily basis by walking to work if possible, or getting off the metro or bus one stop earlier, or parking a few blocks from your workplace or meeting place.

7. Take care of your sleep

The quality of our sleep directly conditions the functioning of our body, because it is at night that the latter regenerates itself. A lack of sleep can therefore cause tension, cravings, poor stress management and of course, fatigue. The ideal would be to be able to eat a light dinner two hours before bedtime, and to have a regular sleep rhythm in order to create a soothing habit for your body. Why not set up a form of well-being routine before going to bed? This could be reading, listening to soft music, practicing breathing exercises, a few yoga movements, or an Epsom salt foot bath: it's up to you according to your preferences! 

6. Give yourself a helping hand with plants 

If, despite everything, stress and anxiety prevail, herbal medicine is full of resources to help us find this state of calm that will allow us to approach the start of the school year with the greatest possible serenity. 

Herbs such as lemon balm, lime blossom, verbena and valerian have very interesting sedative effects to soothe and calm the mind, and will be of great help, particularly when it is accompanied by digestive spasms. 

You can also use some soothing essential oils such as bitter orange or fine lavender, which you can simply smell in times of stress.

Adaptogenic plants are also great allies to introduce into your daily wellness routine, especially ashwagandha and rhodiola, which will help your body better deal with stressful situations. I love making my serenity latte, where I mix almond milk, a teaspoon of ashwagandha, and a teaspoon of orange blossom hydrosol (organic, 100% flowers and alcohol-free), and a pinch of cinnamon: guaranteed soothing.

Finally, CBD oil can also soothe nervous and muscular tension, and can be valuable in many situations. I recommend starting with the lowest concentration (usually 5%), and increasing according to how your body feels. 

I hope this will help you get through this post-holiday period better and continue to take care of yourself! 

Love, C 

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